The latest issue of the
Human Rights Law Review (Vol. 12, no. 1, March 2012) is out. Contents include:
- Luke Glanville, The Responsibility to Protect Beyond Borders
- Gamze Erdem Türkelli & Wouter Vandenhole, The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Repertoires of NGO Participation
- Brenda Hale, Argentoratum Locutum: Is Strasbourg or the Supreme Court Supreme?
- Marny A. Requa, A Human Rights Triumph? Dictatorship-era Crimes and the Chilean Supreme Court
- Lorne Neudorf, Promoting Independent Justice in a Changing World
- Ronagh J. A. McQuigg, Domestic Violence and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales) v United States
- Petr Muzny, Bayatyan v Armenia: The Grand Chamber Renders a Grand Judgment
- Christopher Michaelsen, ‘From Strasbourg, with Love’—Preventive Detention before the German Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights
- Sasha Lowes, The Legality of Extraterritorial Processing of Asylum Claims: The Judgment of the High Court of Australia in the ‘Malaysian Solution’ Case