Ulrich Fastenrath (Universitat Dresden - Law),
Rudolf Geiger (Univ. of Leipzig - Law),
Daniel-Erasmus Khan (University of Bundeswehr - Law),
Andreas Paulus (Judge, Constitutional Court of Germany),
Sabine von Schorlemer (Technische Universitat Dresden - Law), &
Christoph Vedder (Univ. of Augsburg - Law) have published
From Bilateralism to Community Interest: Essays in Honour of Bruno Simma (Oxford Univ. Press 2011). Contents include:
- Rosalyn Higgins, From Academic to Judge
- Christopher McCrudden, Speech in Honour of Bruno Simma's Election to the International Court of Justice
- Eric Stein, Bruno Simma, The Positivist?
- Gerd Westdickenberg, Bruno Simma: A Friend, an Academic Teacher and a Partner Before Court
- Andrea Bianchi, The Fight for Inclusion: Non-State Actors and International Law
- Ulrich Fastenrath, A Political Theory of Law: Escaping the Aporia of the Debate on the Validity of Legal Argument in Public International Law
- Benedict Kingsbury & Megan Donaldson, From Bilateralism to Publicness in International Law
- Martti Koskenniemi, The Political Theology of Trade Law: The Scholastic Contribution
- Andreas Paulus, Reciprocity Revisited
- Dirk Pulkowski, Universal International Law's Grammar
- Steven Ratner, From Enlightened Positivism to Cosmopolitan Justice: Obstacles and Opportunities
- Peter-Tobias Stoll, The WTO as a Club: Rethinking Reciprocity and Common Interest
- Daniel Thürer & Martin Zobl, Are Nuclear Weapons Really Legal? - Thoughts on the Sources of International Law and a Conception of the Law imperio rationis Instead of ratione imperii
- Wolfgang Benedek, Multi-Stakeholderism in the Development of International Law
- Brun-Otto Bryde, Transnational Democracy
- James Crawford, Responsibilities for Breaches of Communitarian Norms: An Appraisal of Article 48 of the ILC Articles on Responsibility of States for Wrongful Acts
- Vera Gowlland-Debbas, An Emerging International Public Policy?
- Meinhard Hilf & Tim René Salomon, Running in Circles - Regionalism in World Trade and How It Will Lead Back to Multilateralism
- Wolfgang Münch, The UN Laissez Passer - Legal Reflections and Managerial Issues
- Hanspeter Neuhold, Legal Crisis Management: Lawfulness and Legitimacy of the Use of Force
- Anne Peters, The Responsibility to Protect: Spelling out the Hard Legal Consequences for the UN Security Council and its Members
- Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao, The International Community and the Developing Countries - The International Community: Factual Interdependencies
- Sabine von Schorlemer, Implications of the World Financial Crisis - What Role for the UN?
- Werner Schroeder & Andreas Th. Müller, Elements of Supranationality in the Law of International Organisations
- Christian J. Tams, Individual States as Guardians of Community Interests
- Friedl Weiss, Sketching 'Community interest' in EU Law
- Orna Ben-Naftali, Human, All Too Human Rights: Humanitarian Ethics and the Annihilation of Sodom and Gomorrah
- Benedetto Conforti, The Specifity of Human Rights and International Law
- Bardo Fassbender, Architectural Clarity or Creative Ambiguity? - The Place of the Human Rights Council in the Institutional Structure of the United Nations
- Peter Hilpold, From Humanitarian Intervention to R2P: Making Utopia True?
- Eckart Klein, Denunciation of Human Rights Treaties and the Principle of Reciprocity
- Friedrich Kratochwil, Human Rights and Democracy: Is There a Place for Actual People(s)?
- Hisashi Owada, Human Security and International Law
- Alain Pellet & Daniel Müller, From Bilateralism to Community Interest - Reservations to Human Rights Treaties: Not an Absolute Evil...
- Riccardo Pisillo Mazzeschi, The Relationship between Human Rights and the Rights of Aliens and Immigrants
- Eibe Riedel, New Bearings to Social Rights? - The Communications Procedure under the ICESCR
- Malcolm N. Shaw, Self-Determination, Human Rights and the Attribution of Territory
- Christian Tomuschat, Universal Periodic Review: A New System of International Law with Specific Ground Rules?
- Andreas Zimmermann, The Obligation to Prevent Genocide: Towards a General Responsibility to Protect?
- Franz Cede & Christina Binder, Is there an Austrian Contribution to the Codification of International Law?
- Giorgio Gaja, A New Way for Submitting Observations on the Construction of Multilateral Treaties to the ICJ
- Rudolf H. Geiger, Customary International Law in the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice: A Critical Appraisal
- Gerhard Hafner, Is the Topic Responsibility of International Organizations Ripe for Codification? Some Critical Remarks
- Andreas Heinemann, Business Enterprises in Public International Law - The Case for an International Code on Corporate Responsibility
- Maurice Kamto, The Function of the Law and the Codification of the International Law in a Changing World
- Kenneth Keith, Bilateralism and Community in Treaty Law and Practice - of Warriors, Workers and (Hook-)Worms
- Jan Klabbers, The Community Interest in the Law of Treaties: Ambivalent Conceptions
- Georg Nolte, The ILC facing the Second Decade of the Twenty-first Century
- Karl Zemanek, International Law Needs Development. But Whereto?
- Armin von Bogdandy & Marc Jacob, The Judge as a Law-Maker: Thoughts on Bruno Simma's Declaration in the Kosovo Opinion
- Enzo Cannizzaro & Beatrice I. Bonafé, Of Rights and Remedies: Sovereign Immunities and Fundamental Human Rights
- Olivier Corten, Judge Simma's Separate Opinion in the Oil Platforms Case: To What Extent are Armed "Proportionate Defensive Measures" Admissible in Contemporary International Law?
- Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Competition among International Tribunals and the Authority of the International Court of Justice
- Thomas Fleiner, The Unilateral Secession of Kosovo as Precedent in International Law
- Hans-Peter Folz, The Arbitration Panel for In Rem Restitution and Its Jurisprudence - Extreme Injustice in International Law
- Francesco Francioni, The Right of Access to Justice to Challenge Security Council's Targeted Sanctions: After-Thoughts on Kadi
- Jochen A. Frowein, Kosovo and Lotus
- Burkhard Hess, European Civil Procedure and Public International Law
- Carsten Hoppe, Trends and Trials - The Implementation of Consular Rights a Decade After LaGrand
- Robert Howse & Ruti Teitel, Global Judicial Activism, Fragmentation and the Limits of Constitutionalism in International Law
- Hans-Peter Kaul & Eleni Chaitidou, Balancing Individual and Community Interests - Reflections on the International Criminal Court
- Horst G. Krenzler & Oliver Landwehr, 'A New Legal Order of International Law': On the Relationship between Public International Law and European Union Law after Kadi
- Guillermo R. Moncayo & Martin Moncayo von Hase, The International Court of Justice and the Environment: The Recent Paper Mills Case
- Mary Ellen O'Connell, The Natural Superiority of Courts
- Karin Oellers-Frahm, Judicial Redress of War Related Claims by Individuals: the Example of the Italian Courts
- Christoph Schreuer & Ursula Kriebaum, From Individual to Community Interest in International Investment Law
- Bernardo Sepúlveda-Amor, Diplomatic and Consular Protection: the Rights of the State and the Rights of the Individual in the LaGrand and Avena Cases
- Rudolf Streinz, Judicial Function: Balancing Individual and Community Interests - Does the European Court of Justice keep the balance in Kadi?
- Rüdiger Wolfrum, Enforcing Community Interests through International Dispute Settlement: Reality or Utopia?
- Philip Alston, Using International Law to Combat Unlawful Targeted Killings
- Andrea Gattini, Domestic Judicial Compliance with International Judicial Decisions: Some Paradoxes
- Christine Kaufmann, International Law in Recession? - The Role of International Law When Crisis Hits: Food, Finance and Climate Change
- Daniel-Erasmus Khan, Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea - An Unfinished Journey: Some Very Preliminary Thoughts on Pirates and Other Pernicious People
- August Reinisch, A History of the Doctrine of Odious Debts - Serving Individual/Bilateral or Community Interests?
- Peter H. Sand, Environmental Damage Claims from the 1991 Gulf War: State Responsibility and Community Interests
- Birgit Schmidt am Busch, Privatization of Military Flights in the Mesh of International and National Law
- Nico Schrijver, The Impact of Climate Change: Challenges for International Law
- Theodor Schweisfurth, The ILC's Articles on State Responsibility and the German Federal Constitutional Court
- Joseph Weiler, Abraham, Jesus and the Western Culture of Justice