This works examines the relationship between the standard of civilization and the principle of sovereign equality in international law in historical perspective. Taking its cue from D. Vagts's work on the "Third Reich", it surveys the evolution of critical Third World approaches to international law before and after the end of the Cold War.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
de la Rasilla del Moral: The Alliance of International Law and Civilization Between Scylla and Caribdis
Ignacio de la Rasilla del Moral (European Univ. Institute - Law) has posted The Alliance of International Law and Civilization Between Scylla and Caribdis (La Alianza De La Civilización y el Derecho Internacional Entre Escila y Caribdis o de la Brevísima Historia De Un Anacrónismo Jurídico) (Spanish) (in El Discurso Civilzador en Derecho Internacional, Y. Gamarra ed., Institución Fernando el Católico, Zaragoza, Spain, 2011). Here's the abstract: