The latest issue of the
European Human Rights Law Review (2010, no. 6) is out. Contents include:
- Lord Bingham of Cornhill, The Human Rights Act: A View from the Bench
- Jack Straw, The Human Rights Act: Ten Years On
- Conor Gearty, The Human Rights Act: An Academic Sceptic Changes his Mind but not his Heart
- Rabinder Singh, The Human Rights Act and the Courts: A Practitioner's Perspective
- James Welch & Shami Chakrabarti, The War on Terror Without the Human Rights Act: What Difference has it Made?
- Murray Hunt, The Impact of the Human Rights Act on the Legislature: A Diminution of Democracy or a New Voice for Parliament?
- Jane Gordon, A Developing Human Rights Culture in the UK? Case Studies of Policing
- Francesca Klug & Helen Wildbore, Follow or Lead? The Human Rights Act and the European Court of Human Rights