Kyle W. Bagwell (Stanford Univ. - Economics) &
Petros C. Mavroidis (Columbia Univ. - Law) have published
Preferential Trade Agreements: A Law and Economics Analysis (Cambridge Univ. Press 2011). Contents include:
- L. Alan Winters, Preferential trading agreements: friend or foe?
- James H. Mathis, The legalization of GATT Article XXIV – can foes become friends?
- Caroline Freund, Third country effects of regional trade agreements
- Thomas J. Prusa & Robert Teh, Contingent protection rules in regional trade agreements
- David A. Gantz, Commentary on Prusa/Teh, contingent protection rules in regional trade agreements
- Joel Trachtman, The limits of PTAs: WTO legal restrictions on the use of WTO-plus standards regulation in PTAs
- Henrik Horn, Petros C. Mavroidis & André Sapir, Beyond the WTO? an anatomy of EU and US preferential trade agreements
- Gary N. Horlick, Straightening the spaghetti bowl
- Nuno Limão, Comments on 'Beyond the WTO? Coverage and legal inflation in EU and US preferential trade agreements' by Horn, Mavroidis and Sapir
- Jeff Kenner, Labour clauses in EU preferential trade agreements – an analysis of the Cotonou Partnership agreement
- Juan A. Marchetti, Do PTAs actually increase parties' services trade?
- William J. Davey, A model Article XXIV: are there realistic possibilities to improve it?
- T. N. Srinivasan, Comments on 'A model Article XXIV: are there realistic possibilities to improve it?' by William Davey