The latest issue of the
Chinese Journal of International Law (Vol. 10, no. 2, June 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Agora: Ten Years of China's Participation in the WTO
- Sienho Yee, Foreword and Invitation
- Xiaohui Wu, No Longer Outside, Not Yet Equal: Rethinking China's Membership in the World Trade Organization
- Julia Ya Qin, Pushing the Limits of Global Governance: Trading Rights, Censorship and WTO Jurisprudence—A Commentary on the China–Publications Case
- Peter Hilpold, WTO Law and Human Rights: Bringing Together Two Autopoietic Orders
- Comments, Essays and Notes
- Tafsir Malick Ndiaye, Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing: Responses in General and in West Africa
- Developments and History
- Rein Müllerson, The Kyrgyz Tragedy: Particular and General
- Practice and Documents
- Zhu Lijiang, Chinese Practice in Public International Law: 2010