The latest issue of the
Asian Journal of International Law (Vol. 1, no. 2, July 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Invited Articles
- Michael Wood, What Is Public International Law? The Need for Clarity about Sources
- Christian Tomuschat, Asia and International Law—Common Ground and Regional Diversity
- Articles
- Junwu Pan, Chinese Philosophy and International Law
- Symposium: Sovereign Wealth Funds
- Andrew Rozanov, Definitional Challenges of Dealing with Sovereign Wealth Funds
- M. Sornarajah, Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Existing Structure of the Regulation of Investments
- Anna Gelpern, Sovereignty, Accountability, and the Wealth Fund Governance Conundrum
- Gordon L. Clark & Eric R.W. Knight, Temptation and the Virtues of Long-Term Commitment: The Governance of Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment
- Maurizia De Bellis, Global Standards for Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Quest for Transparency
- Donghyun Park & Gemma Esther Estrada, Developing Asia's Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Santiago Principles and the Case for Self Regulation
- Hong Li, Depoliticization and Regulation of Sovereign Wealth Funds: A Chinese Perspective