The latest issue of the
Leiden Journal of International Law (Vol. 24, no. 1, March 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Andrea Bianchi, Terrorism and Armed Conflict: Insights from a Law & Literature Perspective
- Sahim Singh, The Potential of International Law: Fragmentation and Ethics
- Efthymios Papastavridis, The Right of Visit on the High Seas in a Theoretical Perspective: Mare Liberum versus Mare Clausum Revisited
- Kosovo Symposium
- Theodore Christakis & Olivier Corten, Symposium: The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Kosovo: Editors' Introduction
- Theodore Christakis, The ICJ Advisory Opinion on Kosovo: Has International Law Something to Say about Secession?
- Olivier Corten, Territorial Integrity Narrowly Interpreted: Reasserting the Classical Inter-State Paradigm of International Law
- Anne Peters, Does Kosovo Lie in the Lotus-Land of Freedom?
- Marcelo G. Kohen & Katherine Del Mar, The Kosovo Advisory Opinion and UNSCR 1244 (1999): A Declaration of ‘Independence from International Law’?
- Marc Weller, Modesty Can Be a Virtue: Judicial Economy in the ICJ Kosovo Opinion?
- Ralph Wilde, Self-Determination, Secession, and Dispute Settlement after the Kosovo Advisory Opinion
- Hurst Hannum, The Advisory Opinion on Kosovo: An Opportunity Lost, or a Poisoned Chalice Refused?
- International Court of Justice
- Kenneth Keith, Thomas Buergenthal: Judge of the International Court of Justice (2000–10)
- Andrea Gattini, The Dispute on Jurisdictional Immunities of the State before the ICJ: Is the Time Ripe for a Change of the Law?
- Martin Dawidowicz, The Effect of the Passage of Time on the Interpretation of Treaties: Some Reflections on Costa Rica v. Nicaragua
- Current Legal Developments
- Jorge E. Viñuales, Balancing Effectiveness and Fairness in the Redesign of the Climate Change Regime