Keynote Address
Harold Hongju Koh (Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State), "Foreign Official Immunity after Samantar: A U.S. Government Perspective."
Panel One: Immunity in U.S. Courts after Samantar
Moderater: Ingrid Wuerth (Vanderbilt Univ. Law)
David Bederman (Emory Univ. – Law)
John Bellinger III (formerly, Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State; Arnold & Porter)
Sarah Cleveland (Columbia Univ. – Law; U.S. Department of State)
Chimène Keitner (Univ. of California Hastings School of the Law)
Panel Two: Head of State, Diplomatic, and Other Immunities
Moderator: Ingrid Wuerth (Vanderbilt Univ. – Law)
Michael A. Newton (Vanderbilt Univ. – Law)
Edward Swaine (George Washington Univ. – Law)
Lewis Yelin (U.S. Department of Justice)
Panel Three: State Immunity and Human Rights
Moderator: Klint Alexander (Vanderbilt Univ. – Law)
Lorna McGregor (REDRESS/Univ. of Essex)
Roger O'Keefe (Univ. of Cambridge – Law)
Beth Stephens (Rutgers Univ. – Law)
David Stewart (Georgetown Univ. – Law)
Panel Four: The International Law of State Immunity and Its Development by National Institutions
Moderator: Jacob Katz Cogan (Univ. of Cincinnati – Law)
David Caron (Univ. of California, Berkeley - Law)
Lori Fisler Damrosch (Columbia Univ. – Law)
Elena Sciso (LUISS Guido Carli - Law)
Paul Stephan (Univ. of Virginia – Law)
Christian Tomuschat (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – Law)