The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 11, no. 1, 2011) is out. Contents include:
- Jeffrey G. Johnston, The Risk of Torture as a Basis for Refusing Extradition and the Use of Diplomatic Assurances to Protect against Torture after 9/11
- Jennifer Trahan, The Rome Statute's Amendment on the Crime of Aggression: Negotiations at the Kampala Review Conference
- Jens Dieckmann & Christina Kerll, Representing the "General Interests of the Defence": Boon or Bane? - A Stocktaking of the System of ad hoc Counsel at the ICC
- Michael Ramsden, Joint Criminal Enterprise: Cambodia's Reply to Tadić
- Minna Kimpimäki, Genocide in Rwanda - Is It Really Finland's Concern?