Call for Submissions for the Inaugural and Posterior Issues
The Editorial Board of the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law (CJICL), an open access, double-blind peer review journal based at the University of Cambridge, is pleased to announce the CJICL are now accepting submissions for both the inaugural and posterior issues.
The Board invites long articles, short articles, case notes and book review submissions that broadly engage with the themes of public and private international and comparative law, as well as EU and transnational law. The CJICL is particularly interested in work that examines the intersection of different legal regimes – domestic, regional, transnational, international – as well as cutting edge international legal scholarship.
All submissions will be double-blind peer reviewed before a final decision on publication is taken. All long articles and some short articles will be sent to our Academic Review Board, which consist of a distinguished international and comparative law scholars and practitioners. A full list can be viewed on our website All other articles, case notes and book reviews will be double-blind peer reviewed by our Editorial Board.
The closing date for submissions is the 1 February 2012. Successful authors will be notified in April 2012 as to whether they will be published in one of our two substantive issues for the year 2011-12. Manuscripts must be submitted via our website – click on ‘Submissions’ at - by the closing date. Please see below for further information.
In addition to a call for submissions for the Journal, the Editorial Board would like to invite authors to submit c. 1000 word commentaries for our new online blog (available at, by e-mailing them to: with your name, institution and submission in a separate word (.doc) or richtext (.rtf) document.
Andrew Sanger and Rumiana Yotova
Editors in Chief of the Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law
Further Submission Information
The Journal accepts the following types of manuscript:
1. Long Articles between 6,000 and 10,000 words but not exceeding 12,000 words including footnotes;
2. Short Articles not exceeding 6,000 words including footnotes;
3. Case Notes including substantive analysis should be approximately 3000 words including footnotes (comparative methodologies, if applicable, are encouraged); and
4. Book Reviews not exceeding 2500 words including footnotes.
All copy must be submitted in Word (.doc) or Richtext (.rtf) format and must conform to our style guidelines, which are available on the submissions section of our website. The number of words in the text and (separately if possible) the footnotes should be stated.
Please ensure that your manuscript does not contain any reference to your personal or professional identity.
For up to date information, please see our website