The latest volume of the
Yearbook of Private International Law (Vol. 11, 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Doctrine
- Erik Jayme, Party Autonomy in International Family and Succession Law: New Tendencies
- Ralf Michaels, After the Revolution – Decline and Return of U.S. Conflict of Laws
- Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, Private International Law and Comparative Law: A Relationship Challenged by International and Supranational Law
- Koji Takahashi, Damages for Breach of a Choice-of-Court Agreement: Remaining Issues
- Eva Lein, A Further Step Towards a European Code of Private International Law: The Commission Proposal for a Regulation on Succession
- Giulia Rossolillo, Personal Identity at a Crossroad between Private International Law, International Protection of Human Rights and EU Law
- Urs Peter Gruber & Ivo Bach, The Application of Foreign Law: A Progress Report on a New European Project
- Juan José Alvarez Rubio, Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods: Jurisdiction and Arbitration under the New UNCITRAL Convention 2008
- Private International Law in China - Selected Topics
- Yongping Xiao & Weidi Long, Contractual Party Autonomy in Chinese Private International Law
- Qisheng He, Recent Developments with Regards to Choice of Law in Tort in China
- Renshan Liu, Recent Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters between Mainland China and Taiwan, the Hong Kong S.A.R. and the Macao S.A.R.
- Weidong Zhu, Law Applicable to Arbitration Agreements in China
- Yongping Xiao, Foreign Precedents in Chinese Courts
- Guoqiang Luo (Steel Rometius), Crime of Law-Bending Arbitration in Chinese Criminal Law and Its Effects on International Commercial Arbitration
- Fang Xiao, Law Applicable to Arbitration Clauses in China: Comments on the Chinese People’s Supreme Court’s Decision in the Hengji Company Case