Professor of International Law and Politics with respect to International Courts
The Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for a position as Professor of Law for the present with focus on International Law and Politics with respect to International Courts. The applicant should have an outstanding interdisciplinary academic record in the area of law and politics in the context of the emergence and functioning of international and supranational courts. In considering applications for the professorship, the main emphasis will be on the applicant?s ability to document a very high level of original scientific production on an international level within the area and a demonstrated ability to remain at the forefront of the field. The applicant is moreover expected to have a strong record of research funding from academia and other funding agencies. The position is available from 1 February 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The position
The main responsibilities of the professor of International Law and Politics are:
to publish and disseminate research results
to teach and oversee the administrative duties within the research area
to lead the development of the subject area, be responsible for research-based teaching with associated examination and administrative duties, and to supervise MA-thesis and PhD students
to exchange knowledge with the rest of society and take part in public debate
to manage research, provide guidance to and supervise assistant professors and researchers and take part in academic assessments.
The professor shall also develop and maintain his or her teaching and pedagogic competencies. Other duties may be added according to Faculty regulations and the weighting of the different tasks may change over time.
For more information applicants are encouraged to read the memorandum "Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2007". The memorandum can be read here.
Required qualifications
Emphasis will be placed on:
documented high degree of original academic production at international level, including evidence that the applicant has contributed to the development of the subject
ability and opportunity to continue to develop the subject
ability to manage research projects and other management functions and
teaching qualifications.
The overall assessment of applications will emphasise the applicant's contribution to new developments in the teaching area.
For further information applicants are encouraged to read the "Guide to appointment of permanent academic staff at the Faculty of Law". The Guide can be read here.
Salary and terms of employment
Professors are appointed permanently according to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikernes Centralorganisation, AC) on remuneration in pay scale 37, DKK. 521.094. In addition to the basic salary you will receive an annual increment, currently of DKK. 51.378 (as per 1 April 2010). Furthermore, you will receive an annual increment, currently of DKK. 71.817 (as per 1 April 2010). In addition to this, a total contribution to your pension fund equal to 17,1% of your salary and annual increment is paid.
The application and all submitted material, incl. papers, articles and books, must be written in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, German or French. The application and all appendices must be submitted in three sorted copies, and it is therefore not possible to submit the application by email. Applicants must include their email address for communication purposes.
Each application must include the following appendices marked with the stated appendix numbers:
Appendix 1: List of appendices - including a list of the submitted publications.
Appendix 2: Curriculum vitae.
Appendix 3: Documentation regarding the applicant's education.
Appendix 4: Complete numbered list of publications.
Appendix 5: A maximum of 10 scientific publications that the applicant wishes to be included in the assessment, of which no more than three may be monographs.
Appendix 6: An account of the applicant's vision regarding research, education and dissemination.
Appendix 7: Documentation regarding the applicant's experience and qualifications in relation to teaching, as well as other relevant qualifications. Applicants are encouraged to read the "Guidelines for applicants regarding information about pedagogic qualifications" on the Faculty website.
In addition to the material which the applicant wishes to include in the assessment, the Assessment Committee may require further material to assess the applicant. It is the applicant's responsibility to provide such supplementary material should this be requested.
If works are cited of which the applicant is a co-author, a co-author declaration concerning the applicant's share of these works must be submitted. Material not yet published can be submitted. Please note if this is the case.
Application procedure
An acknowledgement of the receipt of the application will be issued, and applicants will be kept informed about the process of the application procedure on a regular basis via email. Following the application deadline, the Dean, on the recommendation of the Academic Council, will set up an expert Assessment Committee. When the committee has completed its assessment, each applicant will receive the portion of the overall assessment that specifically refers to her/him. Qualified applicants will be invited for interviews according to the Dean's decision.
Upon the completion of the application process, only original material will be returned.
All interested parties, regardless of personal background, are encouraged to apply. The Faculty of Law wishes to promote gender equality. As the majority of the Faculty's research staff is male, applications from women will thus be received with particular interest.
Further information is available from personnel officer Thomas Haaning Christiansen, ph. (+45) 35 32 35 26; email: thhc[at]
Applications must be addressed to Dean Henrik Dam and sent or delivered to Faculty of Law, att. Thomas Haaning Christiansen, Studiestræde 6, st., DK-1455 Copenhagen, Denmark. Please quote "Stillingsansøgning" as well as reference number: 211-0425/10-6540 on the front of the application as well as on the envelope or package.
The application must be received by November 8, 2010 at 12:00 (noon) at the above mentioned address. Applications received after the deadline has expired will not be accepted.
The Faculty of Law is one of eight faculties at the University of Copenhagen. The Faculty carries out research, education and knowledge dissemination within the area of law. The research is partly organised in research centres and groups. The Faculty employs about 75 full time researchers and app. 35 PhD scholars as well as app. 70 administrative staff members. There are app. 400 part time instructors contributing to the teaching of app. 4.000 law students. Visit the Faculty website.
Deadline: 08-11-2010
Publisher: Faculty of Law
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Job Opening: Copenhagen (Professor)
The University of Copenhagen Faculty of Law is seeking to hire a Professor in International Law and Politics. Here's the advertisement: