Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tzanakopoulos: Human Rights and United Nations Security Council Measures

Antonios Tzanakopoulos (Univ. of Glasgow - Law) has posted Human Rights and United Nations Security Council Measures (in Norm Conflicts in Public International Law: The Place of Human Rights, Erika de Wet & Jure Vidmar eds., forthcoming). Here's the abstract:
When the Security Council imposes binding obligations through decisions adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter it may impact on internationally protected human rights and the corresponding obligations of UN member states to respect these rights. Member states are then faced with potentially conflicting obligations. This contribution surveys the respective position of Security Council measures and human rights obligations in the (emergent) normative hierarchy of international law. It defines normative conflict and discusses state practice in order to establish whether Article 103 of the UN Charter is a conflict or a hierarchy rule and whether human rights obligations are subordinate to Security Council measures.