The inaugural volume of the
European Yearbook of International Economic Law (Vol. 1, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Part I Topics
- Christoph Ohler, International Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets After the Crisis
- Christoph Herrmann, Don Yuan: China’s “Selfish” Exchange Rate Policy and International Economic Law
- August Reinisch, Protection of or Protection Against Foreign Investment?: The Proposed Unbundling Rules of the EC Draft Energy Directives
- Andreas R. Ziegler, The Nascent International Law on Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs)
- Till Müller-Ibold, Foreign Investment in Germany: Restrictions Based on Public Security Concerns and Their Compatibility with EU Law
- Marc Bungenberg, Going Global? The EU Common Commercial Policy After Lisbon
- Markus Krajewski, Services Trade Liberalisation and Regulation: New Developments and Old Problems
- Jörg Philipp Terhechte, Applying European Competition Law to International Organizations: The Case of OPEC
- Roland Ismer, Mitigating Climate Change Through Price Instruments: An Overview of the Legal Issues in a World of Unequal Carbon Prices
- Part II Regional Integration
- Richard Senti, Regional Trade Agreements in the World Trade Order
- Marise Cremona, The European Union and Regional Trade Agreements
- Tomer Broude, Regional Economic Integration in the Middle East and North Africa: A Primer
- Jeffrey L. Dunoff, North American Regional Economic Integration: Recent Trends and Developments
- Gabriele Tondl & Timo Bass, Integration in Latin America
- Chien-Huei Wu, The ASEAN Economic Community Under the ASEAN Charter; Its External Economic Relations and Dispute Settlement Mechanisms
- Part III International Economic Institutions
- Edwini Kessie, The Doha Development Agenda at a Crossroads: What Are the Remaining Obstacles to the Conclusion of the Round?
- Wolfgang Bergthaler & Wouter Bossu, Recent Legal Developments in the International Monetary Fund
- Katharina Gnath, Developments at the G8: A Group’s Architecture in Flux