The latest issue of the
Goettingen Journal of International Law (Vol. 2, no. 2, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Articles
- Stephan Hobe & Jörn Griebel, New Protectionism – How Binding are International Legal Obligations During a Global Economic Crisis
- Johanna Fournier, Reservations and the Effective Protection of Human Rights
- Charles Majinge, The Future of Peacekeeping in Africa and the Normative Role of the African Union
- Bernhard Kuschnik, Humaneness, Humankind and Crimes Against Humanity
- Ioana Cismas, Secession in Theory and Practice: the Case of Kosovo and Beyond
- Current Developments
- Bill Bowring, The Russian Federation, Protocol No. 14 (and 14bis), and the Battle for the Soul of the ECHR
- Mindia Vashakmadze & Matthias Lippold, “Nothing but a Road Towards Secession”- The International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion on Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence in Respect of Kosovo?
- GoJIL Focus: ICC Review Conference
- Hans-Peter Kaul, Kampala June 2010 – A First Review of the ICC Review Conference
- Sabine Klein, Uganda and the International Criminal Court Review Conference: Some Observations of the Conference’s Impact in the ‘Situation Country’ Uganda
- Roger S. Clark, Amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Considered at the First Review Conference on the Court, Kampala, 31 May-11 June 2010
- Robert Heinsch, The Crime of Aggression After Kampala: Success or Burden for the Future?
- Astrid Reisinger Coracini, The International Criminal Court’s Exercise of Jurisdiction Over the Crime of Aggression – at Last . . . in Reach . . . Over Some
- Morten Bergsmo, Olympia Bekou & Annika Jones, Complementarity After Kampala: Capacity Building and the ICC’s Legal