The latest issue of the
Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa (Vol. 43, no. 1, March 2010) is out. Contents include:
- V. Surbun, The developing jurisprudence to combat modern maritime piracy: a crime of the high seas?
- R.J.V. Cole, The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights: will political stereotypes form an obstacle to the enforcement of its decisions?
- P. Smit & B.P.S. van Eck, International perspectives on South Africa's unfair dismissal law
- C. Schulze, Arbitration agreements and jurisdiction in terms of the Judgments Regulation
- S.T. Ebobrah & M.J. Nkhata, Is the SADC Tribunal under judicial siege in Zimbabwe? Reflections on Etheredge v Minister of State for National Security Responsible for Lands, Land Reform and Resettlement and Another
- S. Scott, A comparison between Belgian, Dutch and South African law dealing with pledge and execution measures
- M.H. Smit, C.J. Russo & P. Engelbrecht, Educator rights and duties in special education — a comparative study b etween the United States and South Africa