Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah (National Univ. of Singapore) &
Jiangyu Wang (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong) have published
China, India and the International Economic Order (Cambridge Univ. Press 2010). Contents include:
- Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah & Jiangyu Wang, Introduction and overview: China, India, and the International Economic Order
- Joel P. Trachtman, China, India and the Doha Development Round
- Jianfu Chen, China, India and developing countries in the WTO: towards a pro-active strategy
- An Chen & Huiping Chen, China-India cooperation, south-south coalition, and international economic law-making
- Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah, India, China and foreign investment
- Julia Ya Qin, China, India, and the law of the World Trade Organization
- Bhupinder S. Chimni, The interpretation of WTO agreements: evaluating divergent approaches from the perspective of developing countries
- Locknie Hsu, China, India and dispute settlement in the WTO and RTAs
- Dora S. Neo, China, India and global outsourcing of services under GATS
- Kong Qingjiang, International dispute settlement: implications of the Chinese approach and practice
- Jiangyu Wang, The role of China and India in Asian regionalism
- Michael Ewing-Chow, The Asian economic community: ASEAN – a building or stumbling block for China and India economic cooperation?
- Chin Leng Lim, The 'China-ASEAN tariff acceleration precedent'
- Douglas W. Arner, Wei Wang & Paul Lejot, Financial cooperation and integration in East Asia
- Randall Peerenboom, Law and development in China and India
- Nicholas C. Howson & Vikramaditya S. Khanna, The development of modern corporate governance in China and India
- Zhang Xian-Chu, An institutional race: a comparative study of competition law regime in India and China