The latest issue of the
International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 14, no. 5, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Ulf Johansson Dahre, There are no such things as universal human rights-on the predicament of indigenous peoples, for example
- Ariadna Estévez López, Taking the human rights of migrants seriously: towards a decolonised global justice
- Nicola Colbran, Realities and challenges in realising freedom of religion or belief in Indonesia
- Andrea Nicholson, Reflections on Siliadin v. France: slavery and legal definition
- Dia Anagnostou, Does European human rights law matter? Implementation and domestic impact of Strasbourg Court judgments on minority-related policies
- Andreas Schüller, Fundamental standards of humanity-still a useful attempt or an expired concept?
- Eika Tai, Local and global efforts for human rights education: a case from the Osaka Human Rights Museum
- Lawrence J. LeBlanc, Ada Huibregtse, & Timothy Meister, Compliance with the reporting requirements of human rights conventions