The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 13, no. 2, June 2010) is out. Contents include:
- James Flett, Collective Intelligence and the Possibility of Dissent: Anonymous Individual Opinions in WTO Jurisprudence
- Tania Voon & Andrew Mitchell, Open for Business? China’s Telecommunications Service Market and the WTO
- Nicolas Lockhart & Elizabeth Sheargold, In Search of Relevant Discretion: The Role of the Mandatory/Discretionary Distinction in WTO Law
- Aaron Xavier Fellmeth, Below-market Interest in International Claims Against States
- Matthew Kennedy, When will the Protocol Amending the TRIPS Agreement Enter into Force?
- Notes, Comments, and Developments
- Brendan Ruddy, The Critical Success of the WTO: Trade Policies of the Current Economic Crisis
- Isabelle Van Damme, Ninth Annual WTO Conference: An Overview