Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chaisse: Non-Trade Norms in WTO Jurisprudence

Julien Chaisse (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong - Law) has posted Non-Trade Norms in WTO Jurisprudence (in Normer le Monde: L'Enonciation des Normes Internationales, Yves Schemeil & Wolf-Dieter Eberwein eds., 2009). Here's the abstract:
The creation within the World Trade Organisation (WTO) framework of an obligatory dispute settlement mechanism whose rulings are binding has modified the entire international economic structure. The WTO has become a centre of attraction not only for the settlement of disputes strictly related to trade but also problems between governments concerning matters including those of non-economic dimensions. No other international court is available for the effective settlement of such disputes and the WTO tends to attract legal issues which are located, by their nature, at the periphery of trade-related issues. This chapter explains how the DSB addresses non-trade issues in its decisions (Chapter in French).