Th. A. van Baarda &
D.E.M. Verweij have published
The Moral Dimension of Asymmetrical Warfare: Counter-terrorism, Democratic Values and Military Ethics (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 2009). Contents include:
- Harry van der Linden, Questioning the Resort to U.S. Hegemonic Military Force
- Martin L. Cook & Mark Conversino, Asymmetric Air War: Ethical Implications
- Thomas Frank, Reframing Asymmetrical Warfare: Beyond the Just War Idea
- Allard Wagemaker, Armed Intervention and Democratic Dreams: Small Western Liberal Democracies and Multinational Intervention
- Carl Ceulemans, Asymmetric Warfare and Morality: From Moral Asymmetry to Amoral Symmetry?
- John W. Lango, Military operations by armed UN peace-keeping missions: An application of generalized just war principles
- Daren Bowyer, The Moral Dimension of Asymmetrical Warfare: Accountability, Culpability and Military Effectiveness
- David Benest, British Leaders and Irregular Warfare
- Lawrence P. Rockwood, The Lesson Avoided: The Official Legacy of the My Lai
- Donald A. MacCuish, Culpability – Senior Leaders Have Dirty Hands
- Eyal Ben-Ari, Between Violence and Restraint: Human Rights, Humanitarian Considerations, and the Israeli Military in the Al-Aqsa Intifada
- Erella Grassiani, The Phenomenon of Breaking the Silence in Israel: “Witnessing” as Consciousness Raising Strategy of Israeli Excombatants
- Jarmo Toiskallio, Ethics in the Core of Officer Education: Some Philosophical Aspects for Curriculum Transformation
- J. Peter Bradley, Why People Make the Wrong Choices – The Psychology of Ethical Failure
- Daniel S. Blocq, (Dis)respecting the Law of Armed Conflict in Asymmetrical Warfare?: A Consequentialist Approach to a Consequentialist Question
- Patrick Mileham, Moral Dynamics in Culture Centric Warfare
- Eric Vermetten, Dilemmas in the Employment of Combat Stress-related Clinical Research – the Imperative of Prevention
- Javier G. Marín & Óscar G. Luengo, Politics, Media and War Coverage: an Indexed Relation?
- Uroš Svete, Asymmetrical Warfare and Modern Digital Media: An Old Concept Changed by New Technology?
- Wim Smit, Security versus Liberty?:Ethical Lessons from Post-9/11 American Counter-Terrorist Security Politics
- Maureen Ramsay, Saying no to torture: a moral absolute, self-righteous or just naïve?
- Asta Maskaliūnaitė, Dirty War, or: How Democracies Can Lose in the Fight against Terrorism
- Ted van Baarda & Désiree Verweij, Human Dignity in the Era of Counter-terrorism