The latest issue of the
European Journal of International Law (Vol. 21, no. 1, February 2010) is out. Contents include:
- JHHW, Editorial: Lautsi: Crucifix in the Classroom Redux
- The Human Dimension of International Law, 'Progress or Stagnation': A Symposium in Honour of Antonio Cassese
- Paola Gaeta, Symposium: The Human Dimension of International Law: Introduction
- Giorgio Gaja, The Position of Individuals in International Law: An ILC Perspective
- Christian Tomuschat, Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law
- Andrew Clapham, The Role of the Individual in International Law
- Luigi Condorelli, Some Thoughts about the Optimistic Pessimism of a Good International Lawyer
- Francesco Francioni, International Human Rights in an Environmental Horizon
- B. S. Chimni, Prolegomena to a Class Approach to International Law
- Mario Mendez, The Legal Effect of Community Agreements: Maximalist Treaty Enforcement and Judicial Avoidance Techniques
- Katherine Del Mar, The Requirement of ‘Belonging’ under International Humanitarian Law
- Carlo Focarelli, Common Article 1 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions: A Soap Bubble?
- Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker, Customary International Law in the 21st Century: Old Challenges and New Debates
- Critical Review of International Governance: An Occasional Series
- Milagros Álvarez-Verdugo, Will Climate Change Alter the NPT Political Balance? New Challenges for the Non-proliferation Regime
- Review Essay
- Lindsey Cameron & Rebecca Everly, Conceptualizing the Administration of Territory by International Actors