The latest issue of
International Studies Quarterly (Vol. 54, no. 1, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Todd Allee & Clint Peinhardt, Delegating Differences: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Bargaining Over Dispute Resolution Provisions
- Lars-Erik Cederman, Luc Girardin, Growing Sovereignty: Modeling the Shift from Indirect to Direct Rule
- Mark S. Copelovitch, Master or Servant? Common Agency and the Political Economy of IMF Lending
- Elizabeth Fausett, Thomas J. Volgy, Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) and Interstate Conflict: Parsing Out IGO Effects for Alternative Dimensions of Conflict in Postcommunist Space
- Alexandra Gillies, Reputational Concerns and the Emergence of Oil Sector Transparency as an International Norm
- Brian Greenhill, The Company You Keep: International Socialization and the Diffusion of Human Rights Norms
- Valentin L. Krustev, Strategic Demands, Credible Threats, and Economic Coercion Outcomes
- Thomas Oatley, Political Institutions and Foreign Debt in the Developing World
- Sean Richey, The Impact of Anti-Assimilationist Beliefs on Attitudes toward Immigration
- David Sobek & Caroline L. Payne, A Tale of Two Types: Rebel Goals and the Onset of Civil Wars
- Jonas Tallberg, The Power of the Chair: Formal Leadership in International Cooperation
- Cameron G. Thies & David Sobek, War, Economic Development, and Political Development in the Contemporary International System