The latest issue of
Human Rights & International Legal Discourse (Vol. 4, no. 1, 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Cedric Ryngaert & Math Noortmann, New Actors in Global Governance and International Human Rights Law
- Michèle Olivier, Exploring Approaches to Accommodating Non-State Actors within Traditional International Law
- Tarcisio Gazzini, A Unique Non-State Actor: the International Committee of the Red Cross
- Malgosia Fitzmaurice, The Participation of Civil Society in Environmental Matters: the 1998 Aarhus Convention
- Eric De Brabandere, Human Rights Obligations and Transnational Corporations: The Limits of Direct Corporate Responsibility
- Aristotelis Constantinides, Human Rights Obligations and Accountability of Armed Opposition Groups: the Practice of the UN Security Council
- Veronika Bílková, Treat Them as They Deserve!? Three Approaches to Armed Opposition Groups under Current International Law
- Beate Rudolf, Non-State Actors in Areas of Limited Statehood as Addressees of Public International Law Norms on Governance
- Idesbald Goddeeris, Non-State Actors in Exile: Benefits and Disadvantages of Legitimacy Claims
- Osmat Jefferson, Workplace Equality in International Organisations: Why is It an Illusory Concept?