The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 44, no. 2, April 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Michael M. Du, Reducing Product Standards Heterogeneity through International Standards in the WTO: How Far across the River?
- Donald Feaver, Will McGoldrick, & Victoria Boyd-Wells, The Climate Institute, Melbourne, Australia.Victoria Boyd-WellsIs Australia’s EAP a Prohibited Export Subsidy?
- Dominic Coppens, WTO Disciplines on Export Credit Support for Agricultural Products in the Wake of the US – Upland Cotton Case and the Doha Round Negotiations
- Nellie Munin, The Evolution of Dispute Settlement Provisions in Israel’s PTAs: Is There a Global Lesson?
- Kyriaki Noussia, The EU-China Agreement on Maritime Transport
- Syed Tariq Anwar, CFIUS, Chinese MNCs’ Outward FDI, and Globalization of Business
- Martina Piewitt, Participatory Governance in the WTO: How Inclusive Is Global Civil Society?
- Régis Bismuth, Financial Sector Regulation and Financial Services Liberalization at the Crossroads: The Relevance of International Financial Standards in WTO Law