The latest issue of the
Journal of International Economic Law (Vol. 13, no. 1, March 2010) is out. Contents include:
- Piet Eeckhout, The Scales of Trade—Reflections on the Growth and Functions of the WTO Adjudicative Branch
- Bart De Meester, The Global Financial Crisis and Government Support for Banks: What Role for the Gats?
- Sonia E. Rolland, Redesigning the Negotiation Process at the WTO
- Won-Mog Choi, Defragmenting Fragmented Rules of Origin of RTAs: A Building Block to Global Free Trade
- Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan, A Real Partnership for Development? Sustainable Development as Treaty Objective in European Economic Partnership Agreements and Beyond
- Arwel Davies, The DSU Article 3.8 Presumption that an Infringement Constitutes a Prima Facie Case of Nullification or Impairment: When Does it Operate and Why?
- Annual Statistical Analysis, Surveys, and Indexes
- Kara Leitner & Simon Lester, WTO Dispute Settlement 1995–2009 — A Statistical Analysis
- The WTO Appellate Body's Activities in 2009
- Marylin Johnson Raisch, Book Survey 2009
- Marylin Johnson Raisch, Website Survey 2009