The latest issue of the
International Arbitration Law Review (Vol. 12, no. 6, 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Carolyn B. Lamm, Eckhard P. Hellbeck, & Joseph R. Brubaker, Anti-Suit Injunctions in Aid of International Arbitration: The American Approach
- Mark Robertson, Cross-Border Insolvency and International Commercial Arbitration: Characterisation and Choice of Law Issues in Light of Elektrim S.A v Vivendi S.A and Analysis of the European Insolvency Regulation
- Emanuele Cusa, The Company as Institutional Arbitrator in Italian Law—Setting an International Trend?
- Matthew Amey, Funding International Arbitrations
- Fei Lanfang, Multi-Party Disputes and Referral to Arbitration Under Chinese Law
- Lukas F. Wyss, How to Protect Business Secrets in International Commercial Arbitration
- James T. Eamon & Geoffrey D. Holub, See You in Court! Respondents' Failure to Pay the Advance on Arbitration Costs