The latest volume of the
Finnish Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 17, 2006) is out. Contents include:
- Post-ILC Debate on Fragmentation of International Law
- Gabrielle Marceau, Fragmentation in International Law: The Relationship between WTO Law and General International Law — a Few Comments from a WTO Perspective
- Isabelle Van Damme, Some Observations about the ILC Study Group Report on the Fragmentation of International Law: WTO Treaty Interpretation against the Background of Other International Law
- Nele Matz-Lück, Harmonization, Systemic Integration, and ‘Mutual-Supportiveness’ as Conflict-Solution Techniques: Different Modes of Interpretation as a Challenge to Negative Effects of Fragmentation?
- Xue Hanqin, Fragmented Law or Fragmented Order?
- Christine Chinkin, Jus Cogens, Article 103 of the UN Charter and Other Hierarchical Techniques of Conflict Solution
- Alain Pellet, Comments in Response to Christine Chinkin and in Defense of Jus Cogens as the Best Bastion against the Excesses of Fragmentation
- Anne van Aaken, Fragmentation of International Law: The Case of International Investment Law
- Mario Prost, All Shouting the Same Slogans: International Law’s Unities and the Politics of Fragmentation
- Robert Brückmann, Kindergarten? The Interaction between the German Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights
- Leena Heinämäki, The Protection of the Environmental Integrity of Indigenous Peoples in Human Rights Law
- Veijo Heiskanen, Architexture: An Outline of an Alternative Philosophy of Global Governance
- André Nollkaemper, The Independence of the Domestic Judiciary in International Law
- Thomas Skouteris, The New Tribunalism: Strategies of (De) Legitimation in the Era of International Adjudication