The latest issue of the
International Criminal Justice Review (Vol. 19, no. 4, December 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Alexia Zalaf & Jane Wood, A Comparison of Attitudes to the Police Between Greek Cypriots and Ethnic Minorities Living in Cyprus
- Olga B. Semukhina & K. Michael Reynolds, Plea Bargaining Implementation and Acceptance in Modern Russia: A Disconnect Between the Legal Institutions and the Citizens
- Mindy S. Bradley-Engen, Kelly R. Damphousse, & Brent L. Smith, Punishing Terrorists: A Re-Examination of U.S. Federal Sentencing in the Postguidelines Era
- Jennifer L. Schulenberg & Deirdre M. Warren, Content and Adequacy of Specialized Police Training to Handle Youth-Related Incidents: Perceptions of Trainers, Supervisors, and Frontline Officers