The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 43, no. 5, October 2009) is out. Contents include:
- V.S. Seshadri, Evolution in India’s Regional Trading Arrangements
- Umut Turksen, The WTO Law and the EC’s GSP+ Arrangement
- Rolf H. Weber & Mirina Grosz, Governments’ Interventions into the Real Economy under WTO Law Revisited: New Tendencies of Governmental Support of the Automobile Industry
- Batshur Gootiiz & Aaditya Mattoo, Services in Doha: What’s on the Table?
- Jun Kazeki, Permanent Group of Experts under the SCM Agreement
- Armin Steinbach, EC Liability for Non-compliance with Decisions of the WTO DSB: The Lack of Judicial Protection Persists
- David Collins, Health Protection at the World Trade Organization: The J-Value as a Universal Standard for Reasonableness of Regulatory Precautions
- Julia O'Brien, The Equity of Levelling the Playing Field in the Climate Change Context
- Ludivine Tamiotti & Vesile Kulaçoğlu, National Climate Change Mitigation Measures and Their Implications for the Multilateral Trading System: Key Findings of the WTO/UNEP Report on Trade and Climate Change