The latest issue of the
Journal of World Intellectual Property (Vol. 12, no. 5, September 2009) is out. This is a special issue on "Patent Law Reform: Getting it Right to Support and Drive Innovation." Contents include:
- Rochelle C. Dreyfuss, Introduction: Designing Intellectual Property Institutions for the Twenty-First Century
- Daniel J. Gervais, (Re)implementing the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights to Foster Innovation
- Luigi Palombi, Beyond Recombinant Technology: Synthetic Biology and Patentable Subject Matter
- Megan Richardson, Patents and Exhibitions
- Ann L. Monotti, The Australian Experimental Use Exemption: A Current Overview
- Susy Frankel, An Experimental Use Exception from Patent Infringement for New Zealand
- Fiona Rotstein & Chris Dent, Third-Party Patent Challenges in Europe, the United States and Australia: A Comparative Analysis
- Kimberlee Weatherall, It's Not Just Competitors: Acknowledging and Accommodating "Interfering Busybodies" and their Challenges to Patent Validity
- Susan Glazebrook, A Specialist Patent or Intellectual Property Court for New Zealand?