The latest volume of the
Asian Yearbook of International Law (Vol. 13, 2007) is out. Contents include:
- Ben Chigara, The Unfinished Business of Human Rights Protection and the Increasing Threat of International Terrorism
- Special Feature: Selected Papers, International Symposium of the Asian Society of International Law, 7-8 April 2007
- Jean d'Aspremont, International law in Asia: The Limits to the Western Constitutionalist and Liberal Doctrines
- Richard Burchill, Regional Integration and the Promotion and Protection of Democracy in Asia: Lessons from ASEAN
- H. Harry L. Roque, Jr, Export of War: Issues of Individual Criminal and State Responsibility
- Sakai Hironobu, "As if" Acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter?: Rigidity of the Threshold Between Chapter VII and non-Chapter VII
- Mary George, The Role of IMO Resolutions in Ocean Law and Policy in the Asia-Pacific