The latest issue of the
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies (Vol. 16, no. 2, Summer 2009) contains a symposium on "Global Constitutionalism - Process and Substance." Contents include:
- Anne Peters & Klaus Armingeon, Introduction - Global Constitutionalism from an Interdisciplinary Perspective
- Anne Peters, The Merits of Global Constitutionalism
- Karolina Milewicz, Emerging Patterns of Global Constitutionalization: Toward a Conceptual Framework
- Beth Simmons, Civil Rights in International Law: Compliance with Aspects of the "International Bill of Rights"
- Anne van Aaken, Defragmentation of Public International Law Through Interpretation: A Methodological Proposal
- Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann, International Rule of Law and Constitutional Justice in International Investment Law and Arbitration
- André Nollkaemper, Constitutionalization and the Unity of the Law of International Responsibility
- Daniel Bodansky, Is There an International Environmental Constitution?
- Andreas Føllesdal, When Common Interests Are Not Common: Why the Global Basic Structure Should Be Democratic
- Petra Dobner, On the Constitutionability of Global Public Policy Networks
- Alec Stone Sweet, Constitutionalism, Legal Pluralism, and International Regimes
- Thomas Cottier, Multilayered Governance, Pluralism, and Moral Conflict