The latest issue of the
Human Rights Quarterly (Vol. 31, no. 1, February 2009) is out. Contents include:
- Kimberly Theidon, Reconstructing Masculinities: The Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration of Former Combatants in Colombia
- Alejandro Anaya Muñoz, Transnational and Domestic Processes in the Definition of Human Rights Policies in Mexico
- Owen Fiss, Within Reach of the State: Prosecuting Atrocities in Africa
- Claude E. Welch Jr., Defining Contemporary Forms of Slavery: Updating a Venerable NGO
- Adeno Addis, Imagining the International Community: The Constitutive Dimension of Universal Jurisdiction
- Laurel E. Fletcher, Harvey M. Weinstein, & Jamie Rowen, Context, Timing and the Dynamics of Transitional Justice: A Historical Perspective
- Alex Kirkup & Tony Evans, The Myth of Western Opposition to Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights?: A Reply to Whelan and Donnelly
- Daniel J. Whelan & Jack Donnelly, Yes, a Myth: A Reply to Kirkup and Evans