The latest volume of the
African Yearbook on International Humanitarian Law (Vol. 2007) is out. Contents include:
- Letetia Van der Poll, Emerging jurisprudence on sexual violence perpetrated against women during armed conflict
- Shaun A. de Freitas, Humanity, the unborn and the intersection of international humanitarian law and human rights law
- Marion Harroff-Tavel, Cultural diversity and the challenges it poses for humanitarian practitioners
- Cephas Lumina, Child soldiers: war criminals or pawns in a deadly game?
- The special court for Sierra Leone
- Interstate communications under the African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights
- The value of customary international law- recent emergence of non-state actors as subjects of international law
- Reflections on the study of customary IHL
- IHL - Past accomplishments and future challenges
- Study on customary IHL - The understanding and respect for the rule of law in armed conflict