Sunday, January 25, 2009

Call for Papers: Comparative Private International Law

A call for papers has been issued for the third quadrennial international conference on Comparative Private International Law, to be held at the University of Johannesburg, September 9-11, 2009. Here's the call:


Papers must include a comparative element and should deal with one or more of the following:

(a) Jurisdiction in civil and commercial cases with an international link

(b) Applicable law / choice of law

(c) Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements and foreign or international arbitral awards.

Title, Abstract, and CV

Please send the (provisional) title of your proposed paper to Prof J L Neels at before the end of February 2009, an abstract of the content of the paper before the end of March 2009 and a final title before the end of May 2009. Please add a short curriculum vitae to your first email. If you are interested in attending the conference without delivering a paper, please send an email to the same address.


The conference papers will not be published by the university. However, authors are welcome to submit their papers for consideration for publication in the Journal of South African Law. Please send the relevant article to the editor, Prof J C Sonnekus, at Authors are welcome to publish their papers elsewhere but are requested to indicate that the paper was read at a conference at the University of Johannesburg.