Peter Schlechtriem &
Petra Butler have published
UN Law on International Sales: The UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (Springer 2009). Here's the abstract:
This book describes and analyses the rules and provisions of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods of 1980. Since its coming into force in 1988, thousands of cases have been decided in more than 70 states that have enacted the Convention. The CISG has become the subject of courses and classes in International and Commercial Law in the curricula of law schools and other institutions throughout the world. The authors have a long experience in teaching these subject matters; Professor Peter Schlechtriem was also involved in the elaboration and drafting of the Convention in 1980. They explain the details of the CISG's text, report the essence of the scholarly discussions of its issues, and, in particular, present numerous cases decided by courts and arbitration tribunals both as illustrations of problems arising under the CISG and as case law interpreting the Convention.