Friday, November 14, 2008

Call for Papers: Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking

The Connecticut Journal of International Law has issued a call for papers for a symposium on "Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking." Here's the call:

In March 2009, the Connecticut Journal of International Law at the University of Connecticut School of Law will hold a symposium on Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking with special emphasis on adult labor and child soldiers. The Connecticut Journal of International Law cordially invites scholars and practitioners to submit papers related to any of the subject matter panels discussed below.

Panel 1 Domestic Servitude: “Hidden in Plain Sight” - Domestic slavery is the situation of a vulnerable individual forced, by physical and/or moral coercion, to work in private households without any real financial reward, deprived of liberty and in a situation contrary to human dignity.

Panel 2 Debt Bondage: “Peonage Labor: 21st Century Bondage” - A person enters debt bondage when their labor is demanded as a means of repayment of a loan or of money given in advance. Usually, people are tricked or trapped into working in conditions that violate their human rights for very little or no pay in repayment of a loan. Invariably, the value of the work done by a bonded laborer is greater that the original sum of money borrowed or advanced.

Panel 3 Child Soldiers: “Life on the Front Lines” - Over the last ten years hundreds of thousands of children have fought and died in conflicts around the world. Child soldiers are forced to engage in hazardous activities, such as laying mines or explosives and using weapons, while being subject to insufficient food, lack of heath care, and humiliating treatment.


The deadline for submission of papers is Wednesday, April 1, 2009. However, we encourage scholars to submit their work as soon as possible. Electronic submissions are preferred but not required. When submitting electronically, please email the document as a Microsoft Word or PDF attachment to: All hardcopy submissions should be mailed to: Editor–in–Chief, Connecticut Journal of International Law, University of Connecticut School of Law, 65 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT 06105-2290.

Format Formalities

Submissions shall have 1 inch margins, be double spaced, with Times New Roman font. All citations must be in footnotes. Text and Citations should conform to the 18th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. Please provide a CV and a cover letter or abstract summarizing the submission. Please include a word court (including footnotes) on the first page of the submission.