Monday, September 15, 2008

Chesterman: The Globalisation of Legal Education

Simon Chesterman (New York Univ. - Law, Singapore Programme) has posted The Globalisation of Legal Education (Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, forthcoming). Here's the abstract:
This article examines the evolution of legal education as it has moved through international, transnational, and now global paradigms. It explores these paradigms by reference to practice, pedagogy, and research. Internationalisation saw the world as an archipelago of jurisdictions, with a small number of lawyers involved in mediating disputes between jurisdictions or determining which jurisdiction applied; transnationalisation saw the world as a patchwork, with greater need for familiarity across jurisdictions and hence a growth in exchanges and collaborations; globalisation is now seeing the world as a web in more ways than one, with lawyers needing to be comfortable in multiple jurisdictions.