The inaugural volume of the
Irish Yearbook of International Law (Volume 1, 2006) is out. Contents include:
- David M Ong, International Environmental Law’s "Customary" Dilemma: Betwixt General Principles and Treaty Rules
- Alexander Orakhelashvili, The Power of the UN Security Council to Determine the Existence of a "Threat to the Peace"
- J. Paul McCutcheon & Gerard Coffey, Life Sentences in Ireland and the European Convention on Human Rights
- Maria Walls & Agustina Palacios, Changing the Paradigm - The Potential Impact of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Peter Hulsroj, To the Rescue, All Hands: The Good Neighbour Principle in International Law
- Getahun Seifu, The Interplay of the ACP-EU Economic Partnership Agreements and the Rules of the World Trade Organization: "Double Jeopardy" on Africa
- Leopold von Carlowitz, The Right of Property for Refugees and Displaced Persons?: On the Progressive Development of Customary Law by the International Administrations in the Balkans