The latest volume of the
Australian International Law Journal (Vol. 12, 2005) is out. Contents include:
- Ben Saul and Sally Johnston, Editorial
- Ivan Shearer, President's Address, International Law Association (Australian Branch) Annual General Meeting 2005
- John King Gamble & Kevin Belknap, The Emergence of a Pacific Region in Multilateral Treaty-Making: A 500-Year Perspective
- Sue Robertson, 'Beseeching Dominance': Critical Thoughts on the 'Responsibility to Protect' Doctrine
- Chris Faris, The Laws of Occupation and Human Rights: Which Framework Should Apply to United Nations Forces?
- Kristen Dorman, Proportionality and Distinction in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
- Sarah Louise Steele, Victim-Witnesses in the International Criminal Court: Justice for Trauma, or the Trauma of Justice?
- Hossein Esmaeili, Attempts to Regulate Biotechnology in International Law and the Response of Australian Law