The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 8, nos. 1-2, 2008) is out. Contents include:
- Attila Bogdan, The United States and the International Criminal Court: Avoiding Jurisdiction Through Bilateral Agreements in Reliance on Article 98
- Alison Cole, Prosecutor v. Gacumbitsi: The New Definition for Prosecuting Rape Under International Law
- Jens Dieckmann & Christina Kerll, UN Ad Hoc Tribunals Under Time Pressure - Completion Strategy and Referral Practice of the ICTY and ICTR from the Perspective of the Defence
- A.H. Guhr, Victim Participation During the Pre-Trial Stage at the International Criminal Court
- Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops, Military Criminal Responsibilities for Targeting Suspected Terrorists within (International) Armed Conflicts: Towards a Uniform Framework
- David Křivánek, Prospects for Ratification and Implementation of the Rome Statute by the Czech Republic
- Jakob Pichon, The Principle of Complementarity in the Cases of the Sudanese Nationals Ahmad Harun and Ali Kushayb before the International Criminal Court
- Harmen van der Wilt, Equal Standards? On the Dialectics between National Jurisdictions and the International Criminal Court
- Jan Wouters, Sten Verhoeven, & Bruno Demeyere, The International Criminal Court's Office of the Prosecutor: Navigating between Independence and Accountability?
- Gauthier de Beco, War Crimes in International Versus Non-International Armed Conflicts: "New Wine in Old Wineskins"?
- Stephen Eliot Smith, Inventing the Laws of Gravity: The ICC's Initial Lubanga Decision and its Regressive Consequences