The latest issue of the
Journal of World Trade (Vol. 41, no. 6, December 2007) is out. Contents include:
- Gail E. Evans, Substantive Trademark Law Harmonization by Means of the WTO Appellate Body and the European Court of Justice: The Case of Trade Name Protection
- Won W. Koo & Ihn H. Uhm, Effects of Dumping vs. Anti-dumping Measures: The US Trade Remedy Laws Applied to Wheat Imports from Canada
- Katsuri Das, GATS 2000 Negotiations and India: Evolution and State of Play
- Sherzod Shadikhojaev & Nohyoung Park, Cessation and Reparation in the GATT/WTO Legal System: A View from the Law of State Responsibility
- Erland Herfindahl & Richard W. Brown, WTO Negotiation in Financial Services: Standing Offers Disappoint
- Sun Liang, & Zhang Xiangchen, Redefining Development, Reimagining Globalization: The WTO and China's New Economic Vision
- Donald H. Regan, A Gambling Paradox: Why an Origin-Neutral 'Zero-Quota' is Not a Quota Under GATS Article XVI