The inaugural volume of the
Austrian Arbitration Yearbook (Vol. 2007) is out. Contents include:
- Irene Welser, Pitfalls of Competence
- Peter Klein, Arbitrality of Company Law Disputes
- Philipp Hanusch, Challenge of Arbitrators Under the New Austrian Arbitration Act
- Alexander Petsche & Martin Platte, The Arbitrator as Dispute Settlement Facilitator
- Stefan Riegler & Martin Platte, Arbitrators' Liability
- Florian Kremslehner, "Lis Pendens" and "Res Judicata" in International Commercial Arbitration: How to Deal with Parallel Procedings: How to Determine the Conclusive and Preclusive Effects of Arbitral Awards
- Peter Vcelouch, Interim and Protective Measures Under the New Austrian Arbitration Act
- Nikolaus Pitkowitz & Marcus Schmitt, Defence Tools in Arbitration Proceedings
- Jenny W.T. Power & Gábor Fejes, National Law Hurdles in Arbitrating "Domestic" Disputes
- Nikolaus Pitkowitz, Setting Aside Arbitral Awards under the New Austrian Arbitration Act
- Jenny W.T. Power & Christian W. Konrad, Costs in International Commercial Arbitration: A Comparative Overview of Civil and Common Law Doctrines
- Christian Klausegger, Legal Assistance by Austrian Courts in International Arbitration Proceedings
- Martin Schwaiger, Preliminary Ruling According to Article 234 EC Treaty and Arbitrals Tribunals
- Gerold Zeiler, Treaty v. Contract: What Is the Proper Venue for Investment Disputes?
- Alfred Siwy, Indirect Expropriation and the Legitimate Expectations of the Investor