Friday, March 14, 2025

New Issue: International Review of the Red Cross

The latest issue of the International Review of the Red Cross (Vol. 106, no. 927, 2024) is out. The theme is: "IHL & Peace." Contents include:
  • The ICRC's approach to peace: Interview with Eva Svoboda: Director of International Law, Policy and Archives, ICRC
  • Cordula Droege, International humanitarian law and peace: A brief overview
  • Ignazio Cassis, Wars have limits
  • Interview with Franz Perrez: Director-General, Directorate of International Public Law, Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Interview with Itonde Kakoma: President and CEO, Interpeace
  • Daniel Palmieri, “Si vis pacem, impera bellum”: The ICRC, international humanitarian law and peace
  • Evelyne Schmid, Optional but not qualified: Neutrality, the UN Charter and humanitarian objectives
  • Diego Stöcklin, Redefining the neutral intermediary role: Balancing theoretical ideas with practical realities through the ICRC's experience in Yemen
  • Rebecca Brubaker, Will Bennett & Hannah Ajelet Eriksen, Towards common ground: Strategies for effective collaboration between the humanitarian and peacebuilding communities
  • Simon Robins & Jill Stockwell, Addressing missing persons arising from armed conflict as a driver of peace: Towards a research agenda
  • Juana Inés Acosta López, Seeking balance: The role of Article 6(5) of Additional Protocol II in balancing justice and peace in transitions from armed conflict to peace
  • Benjamin R. Farley & Alka Pradhan, Establishing a practical test for the end of non-international armed conflict
  • Steven van de Put & Magdalena Pacholska, Beyond retribution: Individual reparations for IHL violations as peace facilitators
  • Arnaaz Nizami Ameer, Whose war is it anyway? Proportionate reparations in wars of aggression
  • Luke Moffett & Nikhil Narayan, Provisional justice in protracted conflicts: The place of temporality in bridging the international humanitarian law and transitional justice divide
  • Noël Mfuranzima, Jus post bellum: Scope and assessment of the applicable legal framework
  • Wendy Lambourne, International humanitarian law, jus post bellum and transformative justice