The latest issue of the
International Criminal Law Review (Vol. 25, no. 1, 2025) is out. Contents include:
Matthew Gillett, Georgia Moloney, & Anne-Lise Chaber, Proving Ecocide: The Plight of Pangolins as a Case Study for Fusing Ecological Science with International Law
Linda Mushoriwa & Windell Nortje, A Failure by African States or a Gap in the Law? An Appraisal of the African and International Legal Framework for the Protection of Child Soldiers
Ana Martin, Intersectional v. Narrow Approaches to Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes: Contrasting Outcomes and Gleaning Useful Techniques
Livia Benschu, Gender Persecution and the Sarah O. Case: Strengthening the Rome Statute through Domestic Trials
Evelyne Owiye Asaala, African Philosophical Contributions to International Criminal Law
Kamil Sobański, Evolution of Remote Participation of the Accused and Victim in International Criminal Proceedings