Thursday, August 29, 2024

New Issue: International Journal of Transitional Justice

The latest issue of the International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 18, no. 2, July 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Editorial
    • Annah Moyo-Kupeta, Three Decades of Transitional Justice Practice in Africa: Reflections on Lessons Learnt Towards an African Transformative Justice
  • Articles
    • Juan E Ugarriza & Laly C Peralta, Ex-combatants and the Truth Commission in Colombia: An Analysis of the Participation of Former Military and Ex-guerrillas
    • Keng-Wei Fan & Jun-Ru Lin, Eliminate Structural Injustices or Perpetuate Them: Indigenous Peoples and Transitional Justice in the Criminal Court System of Taiwan
    • Samara Hand, Australian Reconciliation and the Enduring Invisibility of Whiteness
    • Nisan Alici, Learning from Civil Society Actors in Turkey: Using Transitional Justice in an Ongoing Conflict
    • Alic& Ray Nickson, Transitions without Justice: Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal
    • Caitlin Biddolph, Queering the Global Governance of Transitional Justice: Tensions and (Im)Possibilities
    • Kerry Whigham, Trey Billing, & Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira, Truth Commissions and the Prevention of Targeted Mass Killings
  • Notes from the Field
    • Seetal Sunga, How Truth Commissions Can Effect Transformative Change in a Polarized Age
    • Jeremie M Bracka, Reckoning with Colonial Legacies of Harm: Victoria’s Yoorrook Justice Commission
  • Review Essay
    • Frank Haldemann, Transitional Justice and the Legacy of The Second World War