The latest issue of the
International Journal of Transitional Justice (Vol. 18, no. 2, July 2024) is out. Contents include:
- Annah Moyo-Kupeta, Three Decades of Transitional Justice Practice in Africa: Reflections on Lessons Learnt Towards an African Transformative Justice
- Juan E Ugarriza & Laly C Peralta, Ex-combatants and the Truth Commission in Colombia: An Analysis of the Participation of Former Military and Ex-guerrillas
Keng-Wei Fan & Jun-Ru Lin, Eliminate Structural Injustices or Perpetuate Them: Indigenous Peoples and Transitional Justice in the Criminal Court System of Taiwan
Samara Hand, Australian Reconciliation and the Enduring Invisibility of Whiteness
Nisan Alici, Learning from Civil Society Actors in Turkey: Using Transitional Justice in an Ongoing Conflict
Alic& Ray Nickson, Transitions without Justice: Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal
Caitlin Biddolph, Queering the Global Governance of Transitional Justice: Tensions and (Im)Possibilities
Kerry Whigham, Trey Billing, & Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira, Truth Commissions and the Prevention of Targeted Mass Killings
Notes from the Field
- Seetal Sunga, How Truth Commissions Can Effect Transformative Change in a Polarized Age
Jeremie M Bracka, Reckoning with Colonial Legacies of Harm: Victoria’s Yoorrook Justice Commission
Review Essay
- Frank Haldemann, Transitional Justice and the Legacy of The Second World War