Saturday, July 13, 2024

New Issue: Journal of Human Rights Practice

The latest issue of the Journal of Human Rights Practice (Vol. 16, no. 2, July 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Articles
    • Koldo Casla & Lyle Barker, Protection and Assistance to the Family: Interpreting and Applying Article 10 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights from Learnt and Lived Experiences
    • Marina A R de Mattos Vieira & Lieselotte Viaene, Indigenous Peoples’ Rights at the United Nations Human Rights Council: Colliding (Mis)Understandings?
    • Ysaline Reid, The Principle of Accountability in Human Rights-Based Approaches to Development: Towards a New UnderstandingGet accessArrow
    • Dorien Claessen, Majda Lamkaddem, Barbara Oomen, & Quirine Eijkman, Bringing Human Rights Home: Access to Justice and the Role of Local Actors Implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    • Katie Morris, Right to Food Cities: the Role of Local Governments in the Fight against Hunger
    • Jorge Freddy Milian Gómez, Rethinking the Human Right to Food from a Single Perspective to a Four-Fold Legal InterpretationGet accessArrow
    • David Patterson, Human Rights-based Approaches and the Right to Health: A Systematic Literature Review
    • Felipe Agudelo-Hernández, Luisa Fernanda Cardona Porras, & Ana Belén Giraldo Álvarez, Declaration of the Town Square: The Urgency of Speaking as One
    • Aleydis Nissen, Please Give Me a Remedy: Women Human Rights Defenders Mobilize for Occupational Safety and Health
    • Eglė Kavoliūnaitė-Ragauskienė, Right to Privacy and Data Protection Concerns Raised by the Development and Usage of Face Recognition Technologies in the European UnionGet accessArrow
  • Policy and Practice Note
    • Victoria Angenent-Mari, Viknesh S Kasthuri, Hannah Montoya, & Elizabeth Toll, Descriptive Analysis of Community Based Needs among Asylum Seekers in the Greater Rhode Island Area before and after COVID-19: Evidence from a Student-Run Asylum ClinicGet accessArrow