Tuesday, July 16, 2024

New Issue: International Journal of Human Rights

The latest issue of the International Journal of Human Rights (Vol. 28, no. 6, 2024) is out. Contents include:
  • Bahram Soltani, Human rights in international law, state responsibilities and accountability mechanisms: a case study of Iran
  • Haonan Yang, The social public interest in China's employment anti-discrimination laws and its realisation paths
  • Elif Yazıcı Başar, How safe is the zone, and how voluntarily are the returnees? Turkey’s project for a ‘safe and dignified’ voluntary repatriation of Syrian refugees and the potential implementation of R2P on behalf of returnees
  • Juan J. Garcia Blesa, Neoliberal rationality and the rhetoric of sacrifice in the construction of proportionality discourse: a case-study from the European Court of Human Rights
  • Richard Middleton IV & Lauren Sullivan, Silencing the ‘Guapinol Eight’: abuse of the Honduran criminal justice system to unjustly criminalise and punish human rights defenders
  • Alissa Koski, Manahil Siddiqi & Margaret E. Greene, Re-emphasizing the individual components of ‘child, early, and forced marriage’
  • Johanna Nelles, Losing sight of the abuse: how and why women’s and children’s rights are violated in child contact decisions after intimate partner violence in Europe